Revive & Rebalance: Your Personalized Health Journey

Struggling with stubborn weight gain, hormonal imbalances, or gut issues that won’t go away?

Many people feel frustrated despite their best efforts at healthy living. Dr. Eric Cerre’s program tackles the root causes of these challenges by integrating GLP-1 Agonists, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies. This comprehensive approach empowers you to break free from the cycle and achieve lasting wellness. Are you ready to transform your health?

The Process: Personalized Health Transformation

Dr. Eric Cerre's program starts with understanding where you are on your health journey. We identify which of the three patient types you align with to create a tailored plan for your needs:

  • Type 1: Healthy lifestyle but struggling with stubborn weight gain, especially during menopause or hormonal shifts.

  • Type 2: Need more support to lose 25-40 lbs, experiencing metabolic imbalance or inflammation despite good efforts.

  • Type 3: Facing complex health issues like type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation, and requiring comprehensive intervention.

With this clear understanding, we guide you toward sustainable metabolic health and overall well-being.

What type are you?

Type 1: Insulin-Sensitive Lifestyle Checklist

  • Do you exercise regularly (e.g., walking, strength training) and maintain a balanced diet?

  • Are you experiencing difficulty losing weight around the waist, especially with hormonal shifts like menopause?

  • Do you prioritize sleep, manage stress well, and spend time outdoors for sunlight and vitamin D?

  • Have you implemented advanced health strategies (e.g., hormonal support, gut health optimization)?

  • Despite a healthy lifestyle, do you find that weight loss has stalled or is more challenging?

Type 2: Moderate Complexity, More Support Needed Checklist

  • Are you seeking to lose 25-40 lbs and finding it challenging to make progress?

  • Do you experience signs of metabolic issues (e.g., high blood pressure, cholesterol, or waist circumference greater than half your height)?

  • Have you made efforts to exercise, eat well, and follow a healthy lifestyle but still feel stuck in a weight gain-loss cycle?

  • Do you have issues related to gut health, chronic infections, or poor sleep?

  • Are you starting to notice symptoms of metabolic syndrome (e.g., increased fat around the abdomen, insulin resistance)?

Type 3: Higher Complexity, Comprehensive Support Needed Checklist

Do you have type 2 diabetes, significant hormonal imbalances, heart disease, or other comorbidities?

  • Are you facing severe metabolic challenges, such as a high degree of inflammation, and find it difficult to maintain consistent physical activity?

  • Have you struggled with weight for an extended period and find it challenging to keep it off despite various approaches?

  • Are you often fatigued, feel overwhelmed by your health status, and experience frequent infections or autoimmune symptoms?

  • Does your health require a life-long, slow, and comprehensive intervention, including a complete overhaul of lifestyle and regular support from healthcare professionals?

The Science & Benefits of GLP-1 Agonists:

GLP-1 Agonists, such as Ozempic®, help regulate metabolism through:

  • Proper Insulin Secretion: Enhancing healthy insulin pulses and managing insulin resistance.

  • Appetite Control & Reduced Glucagon: Encouraging proper appetite regulation, delayed gastric emptying, and controlled blood glucose levels.

  • Muscle Protection and Insulin Sensitivity: Supporting muscle health and optimizing glucose disposal pathways, which are essential for overall metabolic function.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Promoting cellular healing and addressing metabolic dysfunction at its root.


  • Dr. Cerre: "Unlike standard diets, my program takes a holistic approach, targeting the root causes of weight gain like hormonal imbalances, gut health, and metabolism. By using GLP-1 Agonists alongside personalized nutrition and lifestyle strategies, we help you achieve sustainable results.

  • You’ll make some adjustments, but it’s about creating a plan that fits your life. The goal is sustainable change, not a complete overhaul all at once.

  • Absolutely. The program is tailored to your health status, including those with type 2 diabetes and other metabolic conditions. We aim to support overall health and quality of life.

  • While individual results vary, many patients start noticing improvements in energy, appetite control, and overall well-being within a few weeks. Long-term changes depend on consistency and commitment to the process.